2021年2月22日 星期一

【Call for paper】AIC 2021

AIC2021 於8月30至9月3日採線上舉行



線上研討會早鳥優惠 :6月10日以前 (4月起開放線上註冊)

論文發表註冊費:只要195歐元(目前匯率約33.9),約新台幣 6,700元


AIC 線上註冊資訊:https://www.aic2021.org/registration/#top


  1. COLOR AND MEASUREMENT / INSTRUMENTATION. Colorimetry, photometry and color atlas: method, theory and instrumentation; quality control and food coloring, dyes, organic and sustainable color.
  2. COLOR AND DIGITAL. Reproduction, management, digital color correction, image processing, graphics, photography, film and video production, printmaking and 3D print, artificial vision, virtual reality, multispectral imaging, data visualization.
  3. COLOR AND LIGHTING. Metamerism, color rendering, adaptation, color constancy, appearance, illusions, color memory and perception, color in extra-atmospheric environments, lighting design, lighting technologies, visual comfort.
  4. COLOR AND PHYSIOLOGY. Mechanisms of vision in their experimental and theoretical aspects, color vision and color appearance, deficiencies, abnormalities, clinical and biological aspects, synesthesia, health, well-being.
  5. COLOR AND PSYCHOLOGY. Phenomenology of colors, color harmonies, color & form, perceptive, emotional, aesthetic and diagnostic aspects.
  6. COLOR AND PRODUCTION. Food and beverages, agriculture, textiles, plastic materials, ceramics, paints, gemology, color in the food industry.
  7. COLOR AND RESTORATION. Archaeometry, painting materials, diagnostics and techniques of conservation, restoration and enhancement of cultural heritage.
  8. COLOR AND ENVIRONMENT. Representation and drawing, urban planning, project of color, architecture, interior design, landscapes & horticulture, color and architectural syntax, territorial identities, biodiversity.
  9. COLOR AND DESIGN. Furniture, CMF design, fashion, textiles, textures, cosmetics, food design, museography.
  10. COLOR AND CULTURE. Arts and crafts, history, philosophy, aesthetics, ethno-anthropology, graffiti, geology, sociology, lexicology, semantics, anthropology of vision, food culture and heritage, color naming.
  11. COLOR AND EDUCATION. Pedagogy, didactics of color, aesthetic education, artistic education.
  12. COLOR AND COMMUNICATION / MARKETING. Graphics, communication, packaging, lettering, exposure, advertising.